Merin Thomas


I am a dependable and optimistic individual who believes and echo’s the sentiments “Do your best and God will do the rest”. I am an avid reader with great inclination towards social causes that bring an overall impact / change in someone else’s life hence doing my little bit through my Church community and by supporting Vidya – an NGO that educates the underprivileged kids.
Back to why I am doing what I have been involved since long - that is - Content Writing, as I sincerely feel that words have the power to connect with every individual’s emotions in a way that no other medium can hence I tried to make my ex-organization – Naukri.com & clients look as good on paper as they are in their word, hoping to ignite my same perspective of positivity and growth ahead during my stint with ANR Software Ltd.

I am a dependable and optimistic individual who believes and echo’s the sentiments “Do your best and God will do the rest”. I am an avid reader with great inclination towards social causes that bring an overall impact / change in someone else’s life hence doing my little bit through my Church community and by supporting Vidya – an NGO that educates the underprivileged kids.
Back to why I am doing what I have been involved since long - that is - Content Writing, as I sincerely feel that words have the power to connect with every individual’s emotions in a way that no other medium can hence I tried to make my ex-organization – Naukri.com & clients look as good on paper as they are in their word, hoping to ignite my same perspective of positivity and growth ahead during my stint with ANR Software Ltd.
Rapid and sustainable growth is my true passion. Writing a killer Article that gets read by millions of people is also my calling. Working with such like-minded empowering people for doing the above provides me with enormous gratification.

Topic / Areas of Interest

My Topics of Interest are a little varied and include:- Fiction, Comedy or with an element of humour, current issues, food and new places related.

Recent Articles and Publications