3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer

What Is a Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer?

Gone are the days you had to stand right next to your oven for hours to monitor the temperature of food cooking and make sure it wasn't charred. Now, with wireless food thermometers that use Bluetooth technology, you can get real time, accurate temperature readings no matter where you are. Be it the internal temperature of a steak or the ambient temperature of the oven, a Bluetooth BBQ thermometer will give you the right temperature readings consistently all through the cooking process.

Bluetooth thermometers come with a wireless system and a user-friendly interface to enable you to keep track of temperatures remotely. These wireless thermometers also send you alerts when the temperature of your food and oven dip or rise above permissible levels.

Benefits of Using a Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer

  • One of the primary benefits of a Bluetooth Thermometer is having accurate decimal temperature readings throughout the cooking procedure.
  • Ensures Food Safety by keeping track of temperature variations and maintaining a safe minimum temperature. Whenever there's a temperature deviation, you will be alerted by the system to take action.
  • A Bluetooth thermometer system will give your kitchen staff the mobility they need to constantly monitor different dishes cooked simultaneously. Temperature can be tracked remotely by keeping an eye on the wireless device.
  • You can keep an eye on the temperature of different foods cooking simultaneously, like meat and vegetables, by using multiple thermometer probes.
  • The Bluetooth thermometer system can be further integrated with your company's HACCP system to ensure food safety compliance.

Cooking a BBQ is a lot of work. It's not just the meat that needs to be cooked, but the veggies and the sauce too. And while you're doing all this, you need to keep an eye on the grill temperature or risk overcooking your food.

A Bluetooth BBQ thermometer will do all the hard work for you. It'll tell you when your food is ready and it'll even let you know if your grill needs more fuel or if it's getting too hot.

Types of Bluetooth BBQ Thermometers

  • Bluetooth Meat thermometers are made of stainless steel in order to withstand extremely high temperatures needed to cook meat. Wireless meat thermometers come with a transmitter that sends continuous meter readings to an associated app enabling chefs and kitchen assistants to monitor the cooking in real time.
  • Bluetooth grill thermometers or BBQ thermometers are specifically meant for grills and ovens that are used for grilling, smoking and barbeque.
  • Instant read Bluetooth thermometers offer quick readings, enabling chefs to check the doneness of an item. These thermometers wouldn't be able to withstand high temperatures for long periods and shouldn't be used in place of meat thermometers.
  • Bluetooth refrigerator thermometers are particularly designed to measure refrigerator and freezer temperatures that go below zero degrees.

How to Use a Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer

  • A Bluetooth wireless food thermometer consists of three basic components- the thermometer probes, transmitter probe and receiver or user interface.
  • Make use of multiple thermometer probes to check on different food items simultaneously.
  • Insert the color-coded thermometer probes well into the foods being cooked. Remember to use only meat thermometers to check on meat dishes and instant read ones for other items such as vegetables, bakery goods, etc.
  • Once the thermometer probe is inside the food, make sure the transmitters and receivers are working well.
  • The temperature readings will be transmitted to the receiver and you can keep track of the cooking temperature, internal temperature and ambient temperature all at once from the wireless interface.

How to Choose a Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer

  • If you run a high-functioning kitchen, you must look for a Bluetooth wireless thermometer system that has at least 3-4 thermometer probes to constantly monitor multiple food items. You should avoid using the same probes for meat and other items to avoid contamination.
  • Get a Food Temperature system that can cover your entire kitchen within its wireless range. Your chefs and kitchen assistants cannot afford to stay at one place through the day. A long-range Bluetooth thermometer will give your team the flexibility to move around.
  • Choose a wireless thermometer system that ensures food safety compliance and enables you to take corrective action.
  • Get a wireless thermometer system that sends out alerts and notifications in real time when temperatures vary.

You don’t want to overcook your meat, but you also don’t want it to be undercooked.

A Bluetooth BBQ thermometer will help you avoid the pitfalls of cooking meat on the grill. It will allow you to monitor the temperature of your food, so you can cook it perfectly every time.

5 Best Bluetooth BBQ Thermometers Reviewed

Choosing the Best Meat thermometer is completely dependent on your restaurant's individual needs, but here's a guide to help you know what the best options are.

Zip Temperature-
This is a 24*7 automated temperature monitoring system that promises easy implementation, mobile accessibility and intelligent reporting, among its features. Zip Temperature supports food safety compliance; you can rest assured that your restaurant will meet the highest standards of food safety with this app. Zip Temperature will automatically track the pressure and humidity, along with the temperature of your equipment while it's in use. You can gain valuable insights into your operations, food safety practices, temperature records and more, to help better manage your kitchen.

Meater Plus-
Meater Plus is another great wireless Bluetooth meat thermometer that will save you from tripping up over wires your kitchen. While its sensors obtain accurate internal temperature readings, this kitchen thermometer has a limited Bluetooth range of 165 feet. Meater Plus comes with just one thermometer probe, but you can purchase additional probes if you need them.

Weber iGrill-
This popular meat and grill thermometer can be used on any mobile device, be it a phone or tablet. Weber iGrill offers three different versions of its meat thermometer, and all of them come with two thermometer probes. You can always add more if you need to. However, according to some users, the Weber iGrill app can deplete the battery of your phone with constant monitoring.

This wireless meat thermometer comes with four probes and works as a grill thermometer, or BBQ thermometer. You can pair it up with your mobile phone using Bluetooth technology or wi fi. Indoors, Soraken has a range of 100 feet, while outdoors it can go up to 190 feet. This thermometer has a temperatures range of 32-482 F.

This is a good value-for-money Bluetooth Meat thermometer. While it has a limited Bluetooth range of 150 feet, Inkbird supports up to four thermometer probes, a boon to busy kitchens. You can have complete control of this wireless thermometer system via your mobile device.

Meat Thermometer FAQs

Q- Can meat thermometers be integrated with HACCP systems?
A- Yes, most Bluetooth meat thermometers can be integrated with HACCP systems for better food safety compliance. Some software systems like Zip HACCP offer their own food thermometer with the HACCP software itself.

Q- Why are meat thermometers important for food safety?
A- Bluetooth meat thermometers can help you prepare Safe Food by maintaining the right cooking temperature and maintaining safe minimum temperatures.

Grilling is a tricky business. You don't always want to be hovering over the grill, checking the temperature every few minutes.

A Bluetooth BBQ thermometer does all the work for you. It notifies you when your food is ready, so you can enjoy your meal without worry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Bluetooth meat thermometers usually work. They are usually connected to a smartphone and will notify the user when the thermometer reaches a certain temperature. This can be useful for people who want to avoid overcooking their meat.Yes, Bluetooth meat thermometers usually work. They are usually connected to a smartphone and will notify the user when the thermometer reaches a certain temperature. This can be useful for people who want to avoid overcooking their meat.
Digital thermometers are now so ubiquitous, it's hard to remember a time before them. Most of us have one in our kitchens to help us keep track of the temperature when cooking, or in our bedrooms to help us keep track of the temperature when we're trying to stay cool. They're also great for keeping tabs on the temperature in other parts of the house or in your car so you don't overheat or freeze. But how accurate are these thermometers? Besides being able to read the temperature of something, a thermometer also measures that temperature. It does this by sensing heat. Different thermometers measure heat in different ways, so accuracy can vary from device to device. Depending on the type of thermometer you have, different factors may affect its accuracy. Some of these factors include- ambient temperature, sensor placement, material, humidity, motion, microclimates, and so on. Digital thermometers are now so ubiquitous, it's hard to remember a time before them. Most of us have one in our kitchens to help us keep track of the temperature when cooking, or in our bedrooms to help us keep track of the temperature when we're trying to stay cool. They're also great for keeping tabs on the temperature in other parts of the house or in your car so you don't overheat or freeze. But how accurate are these thermometers? Besides being able to read the temperature of something, a thermometer also measures that temperature. It does this by sensing heat. Different thermometers measure heat in different ways, so accuracy can vary from device to device. Depending on the type of thermometer you have, different factors may affect its accuracy. Some of these factors include- ambient temperature, sensor placement, material, humidity, motion, microclimates, and so on.