5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Recruiting Strategy

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No business can thrive without loyal, dedicated employees that share the values upon which your company is created. Your expertise aside, you need to have a team of people who will be in line with your company culture and who know how to push your business forward in this competitive world of ours. However, with incredibly high levels of competition and with businesses sprouting around every corner, brands need to take their recruiting efforts to the next level.

Enter digital marketing. Commonly associated with targeting your audience, finding new clients, and communicating with customers, this sphere of marketing has evolved to include recruiting as well. Digital marketing can indeed skyrocket your ability to recognize, locate, and 5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Recruiting inspire the right talent to join your business ranks.

However, this forward-thinking method is often neglected in many businesses to make more room for traditional hiring strategies. If you're still stuck on newspaper ads and college recruiting, perhaps you could benefit from introducing more advanced digital solutions in this sector of your business. Let's go over several of the most effective recruiting tactics from the realm of digital marketing and how you can implement them to your advantage so that you can finally start hiring the most qualified individuals your organization will love.

How to Use Social Media to Help Accomplish Your Business' HR Goals

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Companies have mastered the art of utilizing social channels to appeal to their customer base. You create entire strategies based on the preferences your audience has expressed, you time each post to suit their schedules, and you make sure that the content of your social posts resonates with their interests. Since we have refined our social media efforts to such a staggering extent in the pursuit of more clients, the question is, how come we hadn't thought of using these platforms for recruitment sooner?

Larger corporations in need of talented workers are using Facebook, LinkedIn, as well as other networks to search for candidates; so, it's time the rest of the business world took notice. Your HR team and your marketing team can, and should, work side-by-side to devise a social media strategy combining your need for more customers with your recruiting goals.

  • Assess your social reputation in the eyes of your candidates.
  • Diversify with the help of various platforms LinkedIn may have the advantage of being a professional network, but Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are also valid and effective options, too.
  • Post employee stories online to provide a fresh perspective of your company culture.
  • Use live-streaming as a way to give your potential candidates a glimpse into your company's inner workings.
  • Keep an eye on social media trends such as relevant hashtags and challenges that can help your business gain more traction in the right circles. If you're a coffee shop in Manhattan, you'll want to enrich your generic hashtags with localized keywords to appear in front of your local audience.

Specialized Platforms and Websites Can Help Identify Talent Pools

The need for talented employees is on the rise, but not just because of the need to scale businesses to meet the current (also growing) demand across many industries. With more companies entering the race, it's more difficult to retain your employees and to keep them engaged. Due to all of these and many other reasons, local markets have been affected in a range of different ways. For instance, it takes as many as 68 days to hire an employee in Australia, which is twice as long as nine years ago. If you're a local company in Brisbane, which means that the challenge to reach and retain the right employees is getting tougher.

Digital marketing can be of great help, especially if you're looking to hire people locally to join your office. When the time comes for potential candidates to look for jobs in Brisbane, they'll be far more likely to come across your job posting when you're present on these reputable websites and platforms. For you, this means you'll be able to find qualified individuals to join your team. Getting more exposure to these websites means that you can find a perfect match, explore more hiring options, and gain more brand visibility as well.

What you need to do is-

  • Create a unique value proposition for each of your job posts to emphasize the values they'll find relevant and appealing.
  • Choose wording that will appeal to your desired candidates, and that reflects your company culture.
  • Use localized keywords to let them know that you're hiring to grow your local community and to show up in relevant search results in front of the right audience. No need to be visible for Sydney IT specialists if you're only looking to expand your Brisbane team for the time being.

Use a Content-Based Strategy as Your Employer Branding Approach

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There's a reason content is considered king in the world of digital marketing. If we look at numbers that reflect current and growing trends, we can safely say that the need for stellar content is not going to wane in the upcoming months and years. If anything, it will only become more vital. To put things in perspective, around 60% of the Australian population is active on Facebook every day, which means that roughly 15 million people consume the content posted on this network on a daily basis.

The above 15 million does not take into account those who use Instagram, YouTube, or any other platform. Now, if you're a global brand with a limitless digital reach, the struggle to create relevant content becomes all the greater. However, when you need to hire new people, you also need to put your content to good use, if you want to build a reputation that will inspire people to join. Using digital marketing in this way is aptly named employer branding, and it's best reflected through a thorough content strategy.

  • Let your employees write stories of their experiences and post them as blogs on your website and social media.
  • Avoid content that sounds overly pushy and promotional. Use it to educate, inform, inspire, and entice.
  • Diversify with the help of images, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more. All of these will help you present your brand not just as a business, but as an employer, and engage with the right people.

Tips on How to Use SEO Techniques to Help Your Recruiting Efforts

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What does a typical person do when they would like to find a job, or they are considering switching to a new position in a different company? Nowadays, you'll find them relying on search engines the likes of Google, Yahoo, or Bing, dedicatedly looking for various options in their community and beyond. If they are a digital nomad, someone who can work from home or from anywhere in the world for that matter, then the options expand from companies alone to entire freelancing networks.

Your chances to stand out in such a dense crowd are slim if you don't perfect your digital presence with the help of SEO. Starting with an optimized, speedy website that also loads on mobile devices, you should cover all of your SEO bases before you move onto the more recruiting-specific efforts. As soon as you're prepared, the following tips can help you target potential employees and rank better when they start searching for a perfect position.

  • Make sure you have a well-designed, SEO-optimized careers page on your website, with the right keywords that relate to your industry. If you're hiring local talent, that means that mentioning your location is as important as the positions you're offering.
  • Create compelling job descriptions that match the expectations of the modern workforce. Be transparent and genuine, and use this chance for your brand voice to emerge.
  • Regularly conduct research to focus on the keywords your potential candidates enter in search engines when looking for jobs in your industry. Doing so helps you know how to use the keywords people are searching for in your content.

Utilize Paid Campaigns Front and Center of Your Recruiting Strategy

While free social media options, from content to direct messaging, are useful for establishing new connections with potential candidates, the recruiting game isn't getting any simpler. In addition to having a dedicated team to handle your hiring process and to implement marketing solutions, you need to have a set budget for paid campaigns to get more exposure online.

However, online job boards, websites, and platforms aren't the only solutions that can benefit your recruiting strategy; they are only one piece of the puzzle. You need to determine how much you're willing to invest in paid campaigns, such as pay-per-click (or PPC for short) campaigns, Google Ads, social media ads, and sponsored posts. By getting more exposure and visibility, you'll increase your chances of finding your next talented front-end developer or your brilliant finance expert. People might not even be looking for a job actively, but if you combine great content presented at the right time and in the right place with paid ads, you can get them interested, and the rest is up to your recruiting gurus.

  • Prepare top-notch landing pages to match every single one of your ads perfectly. If you fail to do so, you might get mismatched with the wrong person, or Google and other search engines may not place you as high as you need to be in the search results.
  • Use the same language and the same keyword phrases for your ads and your landing content; this helps search engines recognize you as a legitimate entity.
  • Track the performance of each ad and keyword you use, so that you can optimize your spending in the future.

Digital Marketing Techniques Can Benefit Company Recruiting Processes

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Considering all the factors at play, recruiting is becoming more complex every day. However, your digital marketing team can play a major role in helping you gain more visibility, not just among your customers, but your desired talent pool, as well. Hiring extraordinary people is one of the steps necessary to boost your business success and make the most of your brand's existence.

As you start diversifying your hiring methods with the help of digital, you can rely on these and many other marketing strategies that will help you discover and attract the most qualified people in your industry.

Written by Jacob Wilson
Jacob Wilson is a business consultant, and an organizational psychologist, based in Brisbane. Wilson is passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for Bizzmarkblog.com.