The Future of Leadership Development in the Digital Age

Companies like Uber or Airbnb wouldn't exist without the new technology that is making their businesses successful. The digital age has brought many changes that are affecting business style and culture.

For a business to stay on top, it needs to teach its employees new leadership skills through new means, like online training software and other tools brought to us by technological advancements.

Continuing the discussion, let's first take a look at the important skills that young leaders need to master for long-term success in the digital age, and then move on to LMS software and its benefits.

Defining Leaders in the Digital Age

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Until fairly recently, we saw corporate leaders as untouchable and unchangeable, those who sit on top of the pyramid, interested only in financial gain.

Leaders of today have learned the lessons of leadership from the older generation, and are intent on creating a much different business culture.

The most valued skills that leaders in the digital age should possess include-

Self-awareness is one of the most crucial skills, but one that is the most difficult to develop. It means being aware of all your strengths and weaknesses and learning how to use them.

It's one of the most basic skills that every employee needs to learn, especially those in leadership positions.

Building relationships, trust, encouraging discussions, managing and leading employees, conveying goals and strategic intent would be impossible without good communication skills.

Learning Agility
Past leaders were presented as all-knowing geniuses that never made mistakes; however, that is far from true. Leaders need to show that they can develop and change with new information, and they need to be active learners who find feedback invaluable.

Learning agility means learning from mistakes, being open to constructive criticism, and asking insightful questions. It's about knowing you're not always the expert in the meeting room and appreciating the insight of professionals who might know more than you do about certain topics.

Developing leadership skills is extremely important in every level of your organization, but it's easier said than done. However, with online training software at our disposal and all the other technological advancements, teaching new learners can be made a bit easier.

How LMS Software Can Benefit Your Business and Employees

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Millennials make up the majority of the workforce today, and an astonishing 63% of them feel their employers are not developing their leadership skills.

For long-term success, it's highly important that businesses have this in mind, and it's crucial for them to focus on leadership development. A Learning Management System (LMS) includes online training software that can make this a breeze.

Not only can you use LMS software to train and teach new employees, but you can also use it to develop all their necessary leadership skills all the while cutting costs down and being efficient.

The reason LMS software is so popular is that it allows you to track the progress of your employees and it offers you the opportunity to customize the learning material as per individual needs.

The average training expenditures for large companies reached $19.7 million in 2018, and with LMS software you can significantly reduce the costs by allowing your employees to learn online.

There's no need for creating physical classroom space or traveling to seminars abroad when you have all the necessary information at the tips of your fingers.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using online training software. Check out the following guidelines to make sure you're using the full capacity of this software and incorporating it in the best way possible.

People Learn Best via Short Segments
Microlearning is proven to be more beneficial than macro-learning, with studies showing that those who study in short segments perform 22.2% better than those who were given large blocks of information.

So, it's in your best interest to present your study material in small chunks, and you can easily adapt it to suit any of your employees.

Include Mentorship Opportunities in Addition to Implementing LMS Software
With social learning tools that your LMS software provides you, you can easily create opportunities to teach your employees one-on-one, or through team coaching. One-on-one coaching can be beneficial to both you and your employees because it gives room for building trust, and it develops both of your leadership skills.

Team coaching, on the other hand, allows for better collaboration between employees, and besides being used for learning, it can be used as a team-building tool.

Track Progress With LMS Software
Good online training software enables administrators to track the learners' progress easily. You can gather feedback and adapt your materials in a matter of minutes.

With LMS software, you can quickly create tests and quizzes and gauge how well your employees are doing.

Leadership development is one of the keys to business success, and in our day and age, it's crucial to focus on it to stay relevant and competitive.

The digital age has given new meaning to the word leader, and the young leaders of today are changing the world faster than ever before. Much of this change and development is taking place, thanks to technological advancements that have given many benefits and brought new business opportunities.

It's up to the leaders to adopt the changes and learn to grow with new technology. Today's unique business culture calls for various skill sets that the employees need to develop, and thanks to LMS software, teaching is made much easier.

Leadership development is more important now than it was ever before, and employees at every level of corporate structure can use online training software to improve their leadership skills to be successful.